Home Columns Women’s Institute district directors’ meeting

Women’s Institute district directors’ meeting


By Elaine Hennessy

The W.I. District Directors for the North Renfrew District met recently. 

Ruth Douma was the chairperson and the tape recorder acted as secretary for the meeting which opened with the ode and Mary Stewart collect. 

Apologies were given for Juliana Coulas and Elaine Hennessy. A motion passed to accept the Agenda. Minutes of the last District Directors’ meeting were  circulated and approved. 

Money from the District Quilt will be distributed 50/50 with the District getting 50 per cent and 50 per cent divided up among the five branches. 

Iris Biggs gave the Treasurer’s Report and reported a balance of around $4.6 thousand. Iris also reported some money is starting to come in from the quilt ticket sales. 

Christine Reaburn is picking up the Snake River Tweedsmuir Books and was wondering where to place them. 

The group decided that the Whitewater Historical Society which is in Forester’s Falls would be the closest place. 

A letter will be placed in the book’s cover for ownership and copy write, etc. Greenwood branch will do the Fair list next year. 

The Area Convention will be held in Vernon, Ontario on October 28. Iris Biggs will look after getting the Gift Card for the District. 

The Bernice Noblitt competition is open to any W.I. member who would like to enter. 

The Fair Board has said the the W.I. can use the Exhibition Hall at the Fairgrounds once for free of charge for a ROSE Workshop. 

Forester’s Falls branch will look after the purchasing of the quilt in 2020. 

The next meeting will be held in Greenwood United Church on February 10, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. 

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