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W.I. District Directors’ meeting

By Elaine Hennessy, Contributor


The North Renfrew District Women’s Institute District Directors met recently for their meeting. Ruth Douma presided as both President and Secretary. She had a tape recorder to record the minutes. Motions were passed to accept the agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting. A women’s fair will be held in the Cobden Legion on March 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., as this is International Women’s Day.   The Provincial Conference will be held in the Huntsville Legion on June 5 and 6. The Theme is “Be The Change, Make The Difference”. 

Iris Biggs gave the Treasurer’s Report. The Foresters Falls branch will be in charge of the quilt Project for 2020. The quilt chair from Greenwood, Iris Biggs, reported the profit from the quilt sales was $1606.10. Elaine Hennessy reported the Whitewater News is publishing her article each month on branch meetings and activities. 

A discussion was held as to how money could be spent from quilt sales profit. It was suggested that perhaps a new defibrillator could be purchased over a period of three years. This will be brought up at the District Annual. The Fair List has been distributed to the branches.  The Greenwood branch will host the District Annual on May 21. Ruth Douma advised she wishes to hold a ROSE Workshop sometime this year. A few suggestions were made about getting speakers. Perhaps we could have someone demonstrate on how to use a defibrillator; someone could talk about Figid Quilts, and someone from the Fair Board could advise branches on what they are looking for when judging a Fair Display.  Ruth will follow up on getting possible speakers.

We are pleased to announce two Women’s Institute members namely Christine Raeburn from the Beachburg/Zion Line branch, and Ruby Bennett (and husband), from the Foresters Falls branch, will be inducted on to the Renfrew County Agricultural Wall of Fame. This event will take place on Friday, February 29 at a dinner in the Galbraith Room of the Renfrew Armouries. Our congratulations go out to these W.I. members who are most deserving of this honour.

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