Home Letters to the Editor Climate rally tomorrow in Pembroke

Climate rally tomorrow in Pembroke


Dear Editor,

The marathon “COP 25” global climate action conference ended without any international agreement. It makes more sense to call this conference “COP-Out 25.” The nations already suffering from extreme weather chaos begged the world’s wealthiest economies to act now on climate science.

Countries like the US, Brazil, China, Australia, Canada, and Russia would not commit to making the needed changes… Meanwhile, the clock keeps ticking towards the point of no return, estimated by the IPCC* to be 2030, although many scientists say that is optimistic. Here in Renfrew County, we understand exactly how humanity’s most vulnerable populations feel about the scary future we face!

Climate Justice Climatique Pembroke is an emerging, local, youth-led group committed to protecting as much as possible of our local environment and communities for current and future generations. We are determined to press for environmental protection activities at our local community level, where we already feel the negative impacts such as extreme flooding, deep droughts, increased asthma, disappearing birds, higher food prices, etc.

We are excited that Pembroke City Council has agreed to us presenting our call for a Declaration of Climate Emergency and a proposed local/regional Action Plan. The meeting we will attend is to be held early in the new year. For more on these topics and related matters, attend our December Rally for Action for our Planet. It is happening tomorrow, outside Pembroke City Hall, by the bridge in downtown Pembroke, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Climate Justice Climatique Pembroke

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