Home Columns Alex Got Lost

Alex Got Lost


By Alexander Leach, Editor

I grew up in and around Whitewater Region, but there’s a lot a don’t know.

Photo submitted or taken by Alexander Leach. The corner of Grant Settlement Road and McCoy Chute Trail. On the road where I pick up my copies, I tried to be clever and travel in the general direction of home, along the backroads. It was not quite as clever as I’d hoped.

I’ve always had a habit of driving through the countryside, exploring areas that i wouldn’t normally.

I haven’t done this in a few years, but having to deliver the Whitewater News requires I plot out a route between my main delivery points: Forester’s Falls, Beachburg, Westmeath, and Cobden.

So naturally, I got lost.

The photo included is Grant Settlement Road, after emerging from a forest road. When I first drove down to Wilderness Tours to pick up my first copy, I turned down this road the opposite way I had came, away from Forester’s Falls and past farms and brush.

I did eventually turn around and retrace, but I came back to take this photo of a quiet road, farms in the distance.

I plan to make this a regular column, taking photos of parts of the Region I’m responsible for, as I scout it out and, inevitably, get lost.

At least phones are portable now.

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